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2023 05 31 Was King David a "Snow Bird?"

A Panoramic View/Analysis of the Life of King David to identify where his overall life pattern "went south."

2023 05 10 Roll Call of the 2nd Resurrection

Review of the reasoning of the 1st & 2nd  resurrections, followed by an analysis of the 3 distinct groups of "the rest of the dead" (vs. the 1st Resurrection) who are judged at the Great White Throne.

2023 05 03 Hoe Down of the 1st Resurrection

Review of the reasoning of the 1st resurrection, followed by a break down of the 3 raptures that occur within it.

2023 04 26 EveryBody Lives

A Study of the Two Basic General Bodily Resurrections.  Additional "sub resurrections" will be derived in future studies.

2023 04 19 "Lucky" #13, In Which Bible?

A Study of the PREPONDERANCE of Observed Supernatural Oddities surrounding the number 13 in the Bible; And we collaterally & honestly compare the KJV, NIV, ESV, and NKJV in much of the analysis.  One may dispute the conclusions, but its is nonetheless not so easy to dispute the simple observations of numbers of words and even letters in verses tied in to the number 13.

2023 04 12 When I Lost My Cool & Hell Explodes

A confession of guilt, a solid Biblical proof that Moses wrote each of the 5 Pentateuch books, & An Abbreviated History of Hell

2023 04 05 2Defendants, 2Contexts, & 2Judgment Seats

Let's compare the details of the Great Whtie Throne vs. The Judgment Seat of Christ.  They are different, and confusing the two will lead to error and heresy.

2023 03 29 Basic Bible Numerics: 1-3

Numbers follow trends and have meaning in the Bible.  This lesson focuses on the numbers 1,2, & 3.

2023 03 08 What is the Gospel? 
Can you eplain it from & through the scriptures?

The scriptures speak of multiple gospels, and they are NOT all the same "good tidings!"  Can you reason through and discern the differences?

2023 03 01 Gentile Grafts, Kingdom of Heaven 101, & The General NT Historical Backbone

We review the foreknown Gentile graft and it's many representations in the written word of God.  Then we detour to the basic definition of the Kingdom of Heaven, and see how it establishes the general historical NT timeline, extending from the OT.

2023 02 22 The "Foreknown" Gentile Graft Plus Oracles & More on the "Mystery Kingdom"

Let's start with a Book/Chapter review of the gentile grafts we have covered in past Bible studies.  What are the two Biblical  meanings of an Oracle?  See the additional gentile graft when looking at the occurrences of God's foreknowledge in the scriptures.  Finally, we review the 7 "Mystery Kingdom" parables, which also represent the gentile graft with respect to known church history.

2023 02 15 The Gentile Graft Foreseen & A Few Other Interesting Cogitations

Jesus Christ confirms that the Gentile graft was foreseen in the Old Testament as well as in the New Testament in quite a bit of detail.  Also a basic introduction to using your King James Bible as a dictionary.

2023 02 08 The Pauline Epistle Graft:
The Supernatural Insertion of Church Doctrine for Today

Did you realize that the actual structure & order of the New Testament books depict the grafting in of the church into the timeline of God's dealing with His original chosen people Israel?

2023 02 01 "Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged"
Do You REALLY Know What  You Are Talking About?

What does the Bible REALLY say about judging from the part of the Bible that is doctrinally written to us today?

2023 01 25 The Wanna Be Stoned Guy

Retitled from "The Wanna Be Stoner?"  Let's investigate what Paul added to Stephens's sermon.

2023 01 18 From the Mouth of "The Stoned": Impromptu Persons of Interest

What did the Holy Ghost have Stephen Summarize from the entire Old Testament?  Person Perspective

2023 01 11 Tiberius, The Year of Christ, Herod, & Pilate:  Bible Study from Luke 3:1

Investigating the reign of Tiberius and how the 15th year impacts the Biblical Timeline.  Also a practical look at the interactions of Pilate with Jesus.

2023 01 04 Biblical Stakes for Steaks!
Marking Important Milestones in Search of Meat

Let's Derive a basic time by staking out some major BIble milestones and see what meat/insights we can mine out of this study process.

2022 12 28 The Great God of Coincidences: Superstars, Sheep, & Wise Guys - Where do you stand?

Did the Wise Men & Shepherds Coincide @ the Nativity?  You may not agree, but at minimum this is a great exercise in how to search the scriptures to see if these things are so (Acts 17:11)!

2022 12 21 The Backbone of the Old Testament

Open your reading to better understanding & retention via the concept of first deriving STRUCTURE from the scriptures.

2022 12 07 Loose Strings Bible Study:

Understanding the "Jeconiah Problem" &

1st-2nd Coming Israel Timeline in the Feasts

Understand the "Jeconiah Problem" in the Bible: Can you solve it?  Finishing up our study of the Feasts, Let's see the historical timeline that was revealed to Moses ~1500 before Christ the Word was made flesh on this earth!

2022 11 30 The Glue of Hebrews 9:

Melding the Old With the New

Survey of Hebrews Chapter 9 and how the OT unfolds in the NT and the NT enfolds in the OT.

2022 06 22 My Questioning From Rome, Part 2

The Blessed Virgin Mary

Honest questions based on the scriptures which unearthed contractions, forcing me to make a very hard decision.

2022 06 15 My Questioning From Rome, Part 1

Honest questions based on the scriptures which unearthed contractions, forcing me to make a very hard decision.

2022 06 08 Understanding the Passover (Part 3) - Lesson handout

Understanding Exodus Passover and how it foretells Christ our Passover.

2022 05 25 Understanding the Passover (Part 1) - Lesson handout

Understanding Exodus Passover and how it foretells Christ our Passover.

2021 09 08 The Progressive Revelation of the LAMB

Overview of the progressive revelation of the LAMB as it unfolds over ten Bible references from Genesis to Revelation.

2021 08 11 The Biblical SWAMP

A study of the Jebusite influence on Jerusalem & her councils & the aftermath over ~1500 years affecting Christ, the Apostles, Stephen, & Paul... Of course with applications to us today.

2021 07 28 PM Chronological Paul (Streamlined Chart)

An Analysis of Paul's life experiences and how they flowed into the general topics found in his epistles.  There are definite practical patterns to be seen!

2021 07 28 AM Chronological Paul

An Analysis of Paul's life experiences and how they flowed into the general topics found in his epistles.  There are definite practical patterns to be seen!

2021 06 09 Covenants & Signs

Overview of 8 Covenants &
Interesting Patterns in the Associated Signs

2021 05 12 Undeniable Bible Translations

How do inspiration & translation relate? 
An honest, logical look at this topic based on scripture with scripture.

2021 05 05 Simpletons

Who are the simple in the Bible?  Is it a compliment or an insult?

2021 04 28 His Life Summarized: 'Antichrist'

A study/quiz of Absalom vs. Antichrist vs. Christ vs. You

2021 04 14 O Susanna #2 Comparison Chart

Comparing the Head/Feet anointings of Jesus by the woman's hair

2020 Year-End Quiz ANSWER KEY

How many of these questions can you answer? 
Feel free to "cheat" with an open Bible!

2020 Year-End Quiz

How many of these questions can you answer? 
Feel free to "cheat" with an open Bible!

Map of Paul's 2nd Missionary Journey

For Reference with 12/02/2020 Lesson on Paul's Example

US Currency "Conspiracy"

Are there really hidden messages in US currency bills?  Let's investigate one of the claims on current social media.  If it is true, how does it tie into the Bible message, and how should it affect us today?

"Appartitions" of God

Patterns in the pre-incarnate appearances of Christ, and how this info can apply to your life today.

"Axe of Transition"

A study of the undeniable patterns of transition from the Jew to the Greek in the Book of The Acts of the Apostles

"I Have a Dream"

What does the Bible say about dreams & their meanings & interpretations?

Insights Into the Camp of Israel

Let's see if we can find Jesus in the "Blah blah blah" of Numbers 2 by comparing scripture with scripture!!!

A Basic Study of Questions in the Bible

Who asks them?  Why are they asked?  Are there noticeable patterns?  Can you list the major divisions of the scriptures by heart?

5 Levitical Offerings - Overview Chart

Finding the hidden message of Christ's Blood and Righteousness in the "boring" chapters of Leviticus!

The Beatitudes vs. The Woe Unto's

Beginning vs. End Differences in Jesus' balanced approach with public Israel

Pentateuch Cheat Sheet

An easy way to begin to understand & remember the 5 books of Moses

ABC's of Bible Sense

A few rules of sound Bible interpretation to keep in mind when reading and studying it.  (2Tim 2:15, Acts 17:11; John 5:39)

The New Testament Book Order Subtly Embedded in the Pentateuch (Genesis-Deuteronomy)

In this chart study, we examine the broad themes of the first five Mosaic books in the Old Testament and note some interesting parallels to the New Testament books and their order.

Gold, Siver, & Brass in the Tabernacle

Can you see the purification of sinful man (Brass) as he approaches God (Gold) through the redemption paid by Jesus Christ (Silver)?

A study of the Color Blue

Of 50 occurrences of this word in the BIble, only ONE defines blue outside of a descriptive color.  Interestingly, this color does not occur in the New Testament neither the book of Leviticus.  Blue may actually be God's favorite color.  Learn about this color via basic observations and comparing scripture with scripture!

The Witch of Endor

Analysis, thoughts, patterns, and open questions for further study on this interesting topic.

Let's Calculate Jesus' Birthday

from the data in the scriptures

This study has two parts.  First we calculate what we know relative to the course of Abijah.  Next we have to try to approximate when that course took place and count forward by 15 months to arrive at Jesus birth month/season.  This chart derives the first calculation from the Book of Luke.

The Jewish Calendar & The Feasts

Handy chronological chart summary of the Jewish Feasts in the OT.

The 4 Watches of the Night

Mark 13:35-37

The Miracles of Jesus

Reconciled between the 4 Gospels

Tabulated Summary of The Red Heifer in the OT

Paul's Missionary Journeys

Read through the book of Acts with a print of this simple map by your side.  Highlight every geographical city or area mentioned as your trace the storylines, and the book will come alive with new insights!

Paul's Missionary Journeys region shown in the context of the whole world

All the action happened in this rectangle.

Paul's Missionary Journeys region, Modern Day Map

These are the modern day nations which span the region of Paul's travels.

Palestine in the Time of Christ

Clean, handy map to locate cities mentioned in the Gospels, including Bethabara!

Canaan Divided to the 12 Tribes of Israel

Clean, handy map to use for OT studies, including Shiloh- Is it a city, or a person (Gen 49:10) or both?

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